Oh begitu yummy. Plan to do it again with apple pulak sebab sgt sedap. Mengalahkan apple pie (which was a non-mover since 10yrs ago!) to gain no.2 in my list of fav food. Dan sangat senang!
1/2 cup butter/margarine
1 cup self-raising flour
1 cup sugar : i lessened it a bit sebab nenas kinda manis dah
1 cup milk
1 can pineapple chunks : or as much as you like
1/2 cup brown sugar
1. Mix all ingredient A in a bowl in this order: butter+flour, sugar, milk. You will get a smooth batter. Set aside.
2. Mix ingredient B in another bowl, toss well so that the pineapple is evenly coated with sugar.
3. Dalam bekas kaca, pour the sugar-coated nenas. Then pour the batter one spoonful at a time. Some prefer letak batter baru nenas. Up to you.
4. Bake at 200C for half an hour. Done!
Oh i wish i have a cam now. Sorry for the photo non-existence.
Pindah Alamat Web
6 years ago
alia...macam mane nak tau what kind of cup? hmm...cup convert to grams how ar? dulu penah tau tp dah lupa laa..and milk tu pakai milk ape?
hurm...i used standard cup. yang memang utk baking. sbb kalau timbang takut x accurate.
kalau convert,
1 cup tepung = 155g
1 cup butter/gula = 250g
oh susu full cream for drinking tu, bukan evaporated or condensed tau. tu manis. huhu. sy suka bancuh powder, hehe. yg kotak cam dutch lady tu pttnye.
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